Listing details toolbar buttons.

When you are looking at a listing there are buttons across the page, these are function buttons.


These buttons allow you to move to the next listing or the previous listing

Match button

Use the Match button to find buyers for this listing

Flyers button

Create a Flyer for your Listing more…

Activity button

Vendor Activity report button more… 

Share button

Share a Listing SMS message or email about this listing.

Txt button

Send a general txt message more…


Send an Email more….

Letters button

Create a form letter more…

Print a Top Sheet report, Vendor activity report more...

Images button

This is where you add and manage listing images 

3 dots

If you are seeing a button with 3 dots it means that your screen is not wide enough to display all of the buttons. 

Click on the 3 dots to see the hidden buttons

Understanding the Listing tabs more...

NEXT Listing details - tabs