Click here to login
Enter your Username and your Password and click on the Sign in button.
Click on your Name and select Log out
Forgotten Password
If you have lost your username and or password click on the Forgotten password link and enter the Enter the email address used to sign up for OSL Office Live.
Email your office administrator and ask them to email you your username and password from the OSL Office Staff profile page.
Privacy link
Click on the Privacy link to view our Privacy policy.
Remember me
Make sure that you click on the Remember Me checkbox to save having to enter your password. (Password must be re-entered at least 1 every 60 days)
Home page
When you login to OSL Office Live, you will see the Home page or Start page.
Create a short cut to OSL Office Live on you phone, tablet and computer.
The first thing that you should is to create short cuts on all devices that you want to access to OSL Office Live on.
No one wants to type in an address every-time you want to go to a website so if there is nothing else that you do today create a Shortcut on your home screen on all devices that you want to access OSL Office Live on.
Home screen on desktop
OSL Office home screen on mobile
The cards on the OSL Office home page will change depending on the device and subscription that your are using.
NEXT Shortcuts