Staff > Profile tab

 On the Staff Profile tab you manage your Staff/Agents profile, social media and testimonials.

The Agents profile, should work like an 'elevator pitch' briefly describe the agents expertise, skills, and achievements to encourage the prospective vendors to consider that you are the sales person for them


The Staff profile settings are only used on OSL powered websites.


  •  As you make your changes save and click on the eye button on the Profile settings tab to view the staff profile live on your website.
  • Agents with OSL Agent Live can maintain their own profiles & testimonials in Agent Settings.

Profile Settings tab

Publish Staff Profile on website

This option controls if the agent profile is published or not. Publish Staff profile, select the Publish Staff profile option to Yes to display on your website..


Publish Staff profile on website

When a Staff member leaves your company all you have to do is remove the agent from your OSL website.

  • Display Available & Sold Listings - Do you want the agents available listings displayed on their website profile page
  • Display request an Appraisal link
  • Display After Hours contact phone number - This option will display the staff members after hours contact phone number on their profile page.
  • Display staff member in Section & display order - The default display order is in First Name order but this option allows you to display the Staff member in one of these sections, you can also over ride the default display order.

Load each of the social media links that the staff member want to be displayed on your OSL website.

If you add a new social media link after you have created your email signature delete your signature and auto create again.

Your social media links are automatically added to your email signature and displayed against your profile on your OSL company website. more...

As you make your changes click on EYE  button on the Profile settings tab to view the staff profile live on your website.

Profile details tab

Tagline or slogan

Select the Edit button to edit the staff tagline

It is a short text description of the Agents business' or slogan. 


This should be a personal description of who you are what do you do and where you do it .

Make sure that you only copy/paste PLAIN text into the staff profile box. If you do not use plain text the copied text will overwrite the formatting used on your website.

Your profile is displayed on the agent OSL website profile page and some portal websites


List you industry awards 

Note. Awards from your real estate group are added by head office.

Testimonial tab

The importance of testimonials. 

A good testimonial is a short testimonial that tells a story

Getting your testimonials in front of potential clients is crucial for building trust and credibility. Testimonials serve as social proof and can influence potential clients' decisions.

Remember that authenticity is key. Don't fabricate or exaggerate testimonials, as this can damage your reputation if discovered. Encourage genuine feedback from your clients, and use those testimonials that best reflect the real value you provide to your customers.

Testimonial Cards

What people say about Agent 

Use this option so that your Agent testimonials appear as a 'card' or a panel on your agents profile page. 

using this option add each testimonial as a separate record.

Editing text 

Example Agent profile 

NEXT Alerts tab