Staff > Email tab 

This is where you can manage the Staff or Agents email signatures.

Staff member Email signature


Email Signature

Click on the Edit button and then the Auto create to generate your email signature

Use the Auto Create button to create an ‘intelligent’ email signature for your agent.

The intelligent email signature will automatically include your social media links

Add your profile website page as a internet nert link 

Email header image

Used when you want to use an image on the top of your emails.

Hint. We don't encourage using the email header image option as this can be frustrating to the person that you have sent an email to have to scroll down to read the content of your email. Remember 70-80% of emails are opened on a mobile device.

Test button

As you make changes to your email signature use the Test button to see how the signature looks.


  • The auto create will only work when there is nothing in the signature box. Select all and delete to use the Auto create button again. 
  • An Agent can manage their own Email signature using OSL Agent Live.

Listing email linkback

This option will display a READ MORE link on emails sent using the Marketing > eNews campaigns

This will allow the recipient of your email to click on the link and view more information about the property on your website.

Sent emails tab

Emails sent from this Agent or sent using their signature.

NEXT Printing tab