Sales can involve other parties outside your company, either you are paying out some of the sale commission called a Referral Expense or claiming commission from another company called Referral Income.


These are called Referral or Conjunctional sales

Referral Expense

This is used when you are paying out some of the Sale Commission to another company. as a Referral expense

Commission paid to another company are displayed with the Ref Expense label.

Create your sale as you would a normal sale.

On the Sale Commission - Company tab

Referral Expense click on the Add button.

Adding the referral Company

Select the company to make the payment to and enter the amount to be paid.

If the Company is not in your list then click on the + button to add a new company

When paying out a referral on a Sale you pay out the Other Company just like you pay the Agents on your sale.

This is done through the Sales > Clearing page 

The other company/agent will be paid when you Release the Sale and run your payments to Other companies in the Clearing account.

Now add your listing and selling expenses and agents as you would for any other sale.

The amount available for your company is made up of the total commission less payment to the other company. The List and selling tabs is the total commission less the referral amount paid out on the Commission > Company tab

Conjunctional Sale

When you are paying out the selling side of the commission on a sale its called Conjunctional Sale.

This option is used when you are paying out all of the Selling side of the sale commission to another company.

A conjunctional sale is just another type of Sale where you have agreed to pay another company the selling side of the sale commission.

Commission paid to another company are displayed with the Conjunctional label.

  1. Create your sale as you would a normal sale.
  2. On the Sale Commission List /Sell tab click on the Conjunctional l  button.
  3. Select the company to make the payment to and enter the amount to be paid.

In both cases you will pay out the other Company just like you pay the Agents through the Clearing screen.

This is done through the Sales > Clearing page

The other company/agent will be paid when you Release the Sale and then pay your payments to Other companies in the Clearing account.

NEXT Referral Income