To open a Promotion select the Promotion and click on the Details button. Information about your Promotion is on these tabs.



Details tab

The Vendor, agent and Promotion notes. Who is being charged for this Promotion, your Vendor will automatically be loaded as the Vendor from your Listing.

  • Listing Agent - The listing Agent is usually the agent for the Promotion.
  • Invoice limit - Invoice budget limit, the vendors agreed advertising limit.
  • Invoice Due date - This is the date that the invoice is due and will show on the Promotion Invoice.
  • The Invoice date is the date used for the Promotion dashboard chart

Advertising tab

Adding an Advertisement to your Promotion

Click on the new button and select your Publication and then the Advertisement, enter the Booking date and then Click Save

An Advertisement/Booking can be changed at anytime.

Transactions tab

As you receipt money from the vendor for the Promotion each transaction will be shown here.

Receipts and Withdrawals are displayed on the Transactions tab.

As you receive advertising money from your Vendor use the Receipt button to record the payment against the Promotion.

If you Receipt in error you can Delete the transaction or use the Withdrawal button withdraw the money.

Often Vendors will only pay a portion of the total amount due, when receipting the system will default to the outstanding amount due. You can change this amount to the actual amount received.

At anytime you can use the Invoice button to generate a statement of the Promotion account.

Docs tab

Promotion docs are stored here. To open a Doc file click on the file.

To email a Doc

Select any document and then click on the Email button to email your document.

The document will automatically be attached to your email

Upload - use the Upload button to add your own docs the the promotion. e.g. Supplier invoice

Changes tab

When you make major changes to a Promotion, they are recorded on the Promotion > Changes tab. 

NEXT Creating Publications & Ads