Use the Office website > News menu to add news articles or ‘blog pages’ to your website. 

A a great way improve the ranking of your website and just good business to add regular news pages to your website.

Topics could be; Local news about your local market, New Agents and or local Industry news more...


By adding new articles to your website keeps Google indexing coming back to your website 

New Article

Click on the New button  to add a news article page. 

Page Name

Give your page a meaningful name, note this name is not displayed on the website. 

You cannot use special characters for your page name. 

Page Title

The is the heading for your article page


The date is the date that you want the article to be displayed. 

Your News article pages are displayed in Date order.

To change the order of your blog pages just change the article Date

Editing your page 

Use the Format drop down for headings - heading 1 for the title on the page , heading 2 for sub titles

Plain text 

Always use Paste as plain Text, if in doubt select your text and then click on the Clean formatting button. 

Images & Documents

It looks good to begin your News page with an image. Inserting images can be a hassle! It is a two step process, 

1. Click on the Upload button to upload the file to your website

Select either Image file or Document

2. Insert - Click Picture button to 
Enter some of the file name in the Search box press enter then select your image.

Use meaningful files names, so that they are easy to find after upload.

Use the hyperlink button to link to another page or location in your file

Use your mouse to highlight your text and then click on the insert hyperlink button

Preview End

This button tells the summary blog/news page to only display up to the preview end

If you do not use the insert preview end button it will automatically stop after the first 250 characters of each news page.

The height of each blog card on your News/Bog summary page is set by the height of the longest blog article. If you have many cards with a lot of blank space this may be due to one news page missing the Preview End.

Place the cursor where you want the Preview to end and then click on the Preview End button

Publish your page 

Your page will not be visible until you make your Active page YES

To remove a news article set Active page to NO 

View your News page

Click on the eye link to view your news article.


Open your News article and select the SEO tab to add your SEO tags.

Page tile, Description and key words

Pages with SEO added will show with a tick in the SEO column on the News grid.

News on your website

To show your News articles on your OSL website add the template page News/Blog summary to your website.

The News/Blog template page displays a preview of your news article page.

The summary blog/news page will display each news page as a card with the first 250 characters of each news page.

Layout options

You have two layout options for your News pages These settings are maintained on the website Details tab in your website settings. That means you need to log into your website settings to make these changes.

Login into your website and on the Settings tab scroll down to the Blog News settings panel

The blog summary page will display each article as a card on the News/blog summary page.

There are two layout options for your blog page, List view or Gallery view.

Search your Blog - When you Blog starts to have a lot of article pages turn on the Display search box option so visitors can search across all news articles.

Caption or date label

You can set how the date is displayed on your blog