Add a Proposal to your Appraisal


To win a potential listing, you can utilize Proposals as a powerful listing tool. 

The Proposal email is designed to be view on the vendors mobile phone.

The goal of a proposal is to persuade the potential client that you are the best choice for their needs. By showcasing your expertise, understanding the client's requirements, and providing a clear plan, you can increase your chances of winning the listing.

Create a modern proposal for you potential vendors.

The theme of your Proposal will follow the theme of your OSL office website 

Appraisals with Proposals

You can see the status of a Proposal in the Appraisal grid 

Creating a Proposal

Open your Appraisal and select the Proposal tab

Select the New button to create a New Proposal

Select a Proposal template

There are different Proposal templates , for different listing types.

Select your proposal template here

Adding a new page

Each page that you add to your Proposal is a template page

Page order

changing the page order - click and drag to change the order of your pages 

Delete a Page

Use the Delete button to remove a page from your Proposal

Testing your Proposal

use the Test email button to send the email to yourself for testing.