Staff details


On the Staff Details page, you can efficiently manage all the settings related to your staff. To modify the Staff Name, Code, and selling agent, simply click on the Edit button.

Name edit button

Edit an Agents First name, Last name, Known name and code.

Known Name

The Agent or Staff Known Name is the Name used on all reports.

Make sure that you enter the correct Known as name. This will be used on all reports and flyers including letters and OSL websites e.g. The staff person’s name is Patrick but always known as Pat

Agent code

Choose a code that is 3 letters. Usually the first 3 characters of their First name. This code is used on some reports and to show who has made changes throughout the system, the code should be easy to recognize. e.g. Janet = JAN

Staff codes are only used in the OSL system and must be unique minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 5

Staff code - try the first 3 characters of their first name


The status of the Agent or Staff member is important. Just like a new Listing, a new staff member is also status Pending. Before you can attach the Agent to a Listing or create a user account the you must make the Staff member as Active.


If the Staff member is a Selling Agent check this box. Only Selling Agents can be attached to Listings, Sales or Appraisals.
e.g. You would not make an administrator in the office a Selling agents more...

Only Agents marked as Selling Agents can be attached to Listings & Sales

Inactive & Archive

To make an Agent Inactive 

  1. Delete their OSL user login. You will find this on the Staff > OSL User tab
  2. Unpublish their profile.  You will find this on the Staff > Profile tab
  3. Withdraw or remove the Agent from any Available listings
  4. Do not change the Agent to Inactive if the Agent has outstanding Sales commission to be paid.
  5. You can now make the Agent Inactive 
  6. Optional move their Contacts to the Office or to another Agent - Office settings > People tab

Staff photos

Click on the + Photo button to add an image to your Staff profile more...

NEXT Staff Photos